This is my house.

Well expressed !

The Bloggess

The greatest gift in the world is to grant a kindness to another. The amazing thing though is that the aforementioned gift is one you give yourself. It may be a small thing. Leaving a flower for the tired woman at the coffee shop. Telling a stranger that they have such kind eyes. Listening happily to a story told by an elderly friend or relative who has told you the same story a million times. Nodding in solidarity even when you don’t completely understand. Letting a friend or a stranger yell hurtful things at you because you hope it will help them let go of a small part of that anger…that it will open up room in them for the greater things that they deserve.

This is the way the world goes. Small, mean acts affect the next person who in turn amplify that anger or sadness and take it out on others who suffer…

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The JOY story – Part 1

“Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen.” – Benjamin Disraeli

After a long….. week finally the luxurious Friday eve came, much cherished by the corporate clan! Back to back movies, few good reads here and there forms a strong enough concoction to kick in that insomniac within you, resulting in a somnolent Saturday morning, but somehow I pushed myself up from the snuggles of my blanket. Getting ready within minutes n stuffing my  bag with the nick nacks for the travel was the humongous task ahead. Shoving enough stuff to munch during the train ride from Mysore to Bangalore , I was all set to step out n sing aloud !! 🙂

Somehow train rides have always fascinated me, the gentle vacillating motion while in train  makes me nostalgic and hopeful at the same time, sending my mind darting from the awesome childhood travel memories to the sunshine experiences awaiting to become fond memoirs. Boarding the express at 6:45 am , my trip began. The cool morning breeze filled with the fragrance of wet earth brushing against my skin felt rejuvenating. Mitti ki bheeni bheeni khushboo filled the atmosphere around. Little rain drops soaked my face as the train gained momentum. Passing through the lush green farms , amidst the  boulevard of tall coconut trees the train made its way towards Bangalore the city of gardens.

After reaching I headed towards the first of many destinations , INHUMAN: Art exhibition by Deepak K. , but before beginning, one of the indispensable rules of a perfect day out was an exemplary breakfast (Being a die hard foodie Bong ! 😉 ) After a savoury helping of upma and refreshing hot tea I was all set for Alliance Francaise De Bangalore . The place was beautiful, away from all hustle of the city.

@ Entrance

@ Entrance

The open hall of memories

The open hall of memories


The place was all filled with the rich French cultural aura. Inside, at the open hall was the art exhibition INHUMAN, a thought provoking art collection by a budding artist Deepak K. , exhibiting the balance/imbalance, the humane/inhumane, beautifully portrayed on the canvas.

Below are few of my favorites. 🙂

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Enjoying the cool breeze while sipping on the fresh iced tea was the perfect finale for this much needed trip .

Au revoir !!! 🙂

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain